Freelancer: AgustinCano
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Hexagonal Tilemap

Hi, I tried to do something simple and geometric, I also tried to mantain a color scheme for similar tiles. This are some of the tiles you needed. If you are intrested let me know and I can continue doing the rest. Thanks

Participación en el concurso Nro.3 para                                                 Hexagonal tile spritesheet with grass, marsh, tundra tiles, etc.
Participación Nro. 3

Tablero de aclaración pública

  • ntaylorbishop
    Organizador del concurso
    • 5 años atrás

    These are fantastic. Can you make the borders on the tiles about half the thickness that they are now? I'm definitely interested in seeing the rest.

    • 5 años atrás
    1. AgustinCano
      • 5 años atrás

      Sure. I'll do it asap.

      • 5 años atrás